
Maine Cranberry Tea - Holy Cranberry October 08 2018, 0 Comments

Holy Cranberry Tea (Tulsi, marigold, cinnamon with Maine cranberries).

Cranberries from Moody’s Farm - Lincolnville, Maine. Ready for the drying process. 

Notice - Backyard Blackberry Tea missing ingredient on label August 16 2018, 0 Comments

Notice: Backyard Blackberry Tea - if you purchased Backyard Blackberry Tea in June or July the label was missing an ingredient - blue mallow flower. So sorry that our labels were not accurate during this time. Please call with any questions - 207-542-0130. Tammy and Rebecca

Cozy Autumn Tea October 20 2017, 0 Comments

We are warming up with the flavors of fall - Cozy Autumn Tea.  A black tea with fall fruits (apples and cranberries – both grown in Maine) and cinnamon definitely warm us up. The voice of the customer, “I just love this tea. It smells amazing and tastes just wonderful! I like to leave my teapot open to let the smells fill my house up.”   Cozy Autumn Tea can be made steeping hot with honey or served over ice without any sweetener needed. 


A few weeks ago, Becca, Joe and Ashly went to Wright’s Orchard in Bucksport, Maine, to pick the apples for the Cozy Autumn Tea blend. The apples have been cleaned, cut and dried last week in Stonington, Maine.


For the third year, our cranberries are grown in Lincolnville, Maine by Fred and Margo Moody of Moody Cranberry Bog. The cranberries are dry-harvested, making them perfect to go from field to drier – holding all the aromas to be released in the steeping process. They arrive in the blending house red, plump and in boxes – ready for the drying process to begin.


The cranberries are so beautiful, Tammy always takes a cup of the fruit out to make a batch of fruit nut muffins!  

The tea is available as our fall season tea and will be sold until this year’s bounty is gone. You can purchase

on line at or in some of the Stonington and Blue Hill locations. Enjoy!

Sisters, Rebecca Emerson and Tammy Smith Blake

Peachy Keen Tea October 13 2017, 0 Comments

 The crisp peaches and sweet raspberries are dried and blended with bold black tea leaves and ready for shipping – Peachy Keen Tea. A customer’s voice, “LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this tea! This is so beautiful and delicate. I like making Sun tea with it and mixing it with Peach Schnapps."


We love finding precious local farmers to supply our fragrant produce. This year, we met Farmer Bob from Dresden, who we knew from our first meeting that he would supplies all our raspberries.  


Farmer Bob was first introduced to organic gardening through his parents in the early 50’s. He started his own farm in Massachusetts in the 60’s and moved to Maine in the 70’s continuing his organic gardening.


The raspberry bushes were not discovered on his farm until he moved his gardens from one side of the road to the other – 20 years later – hidden under brush! He and his wife, Sally, built their own home, still heat with wood and grow most of their food.


 Someone likes to eat fresh raspberries off his fingers!! The tea is available until this year’s bounty is gone. You can purchase on line at or in some of the Stonington and Blue Hill locations and October, 15th at the Maine Cheese Festival at Savage Oakes Vineyard.  

Sisters, Rebecca Emerson and Tammy Smith Blake

Valentine's Sale February 08 2017, 0 Comments

Happy Valentine's Day!  $3.00 off all orders until Saturday Feb 11th with code word "Valentines". 

Enjoy the season of LOVE!

Sale - Happy New Year - 2017! December 29 2016, 0 Comments

Join us in bringing 2017 in with love, hope and peace!

Sale - $2.00 off each bag of tea.

1 bags of tea is $2.00 off - code word "Sale"

2 bags of tea is $4.00 off - code word "Sale2"

3 bags of tea is $6.00 off - code word "Sale3"

Having trouble sleeping? Cuppa Lavender might help..... December 15 2016, 0 Comments

This precious blend of Lemon Balm, Lavender and Almonds (Cuppa Lavender Tea) - just might do the trick to sleeping better! 

Tempest at Central Provisions Restaurant in Portland Maine December 15 2016, 0 Comments

We really love stopping into Central Provisions Restaurant in Portland Maine for lunch or dinner - and drinking Tempest Tea there too!  Exceptional!

SALE - Code Words November 30 2016, 0 Comments

$2.00 off all orders - code word MONDAY


$3.00 off all orders with 2 bags of tea - code word TEA2


Cyber Monday - $2.00 off all orders - code word MONDAY November 28 2016, 0 Comments

Enjoy your browsing and shopping!  Your friends will be loving their tea gift!  One for them and one for you!!!  That is how we roll!