Rosie Iced Tea Bags are ready. Spring is coming. May 12 2020, 0 Comments

There are many ways to steep loose leaf tea. Here are three ways - Tea Ball, Tea Bags and Teaze. You add 1 tsp of tea to one of the tools - steep - take the tool and tea out of the hot water. Easy! Drink! Enjoy!
Tea is packaged and ready for packing and shipping - ENJOY!
So grateful for these beautiful ladies for selling and serving Tempest in a Teapot! Visiting Stonington is worth the trip - Maine at its best. Stop and visit. Wishing them the best season ever!! ❤️
Charleston Tea Plantation visit - with over hundreds of thousands of TEA bushes. Even though it is the beginning of the growing season - it was still beautiful and wonderful. Enjoy the pictures! ❤️
Wonderful article on Green Tea by Rachael Ray. Drink up good loose leaf tea!
Bowdoin College student, Reuben Schafir, created a thoughtful podcast about our Market. Many will recognize of the vendors interviewed and gain some behind-the-scenes insight. Listen to it here:
Warm your days with Cozy Autumn Tea. A bold black tea base blended with local apples, cranberries with vanilla, cinnamon and ginger. Enjoy!