What a wonderful Market - I love a place you can purchase TEMPEST TEA and all your coffee, cheese, eggs, bread, aprons, baked goods, vegetables, meats, flowers, plants, chocolate, spices and so much more. Support local if you can. Tammy
Beautiful green tea blended with pomegranate and Maine raspberries
Hello! For a limited time, TEA Tin Samplers are available on line. You choose the 3 blends you want in your trio. Write them in the comment/notes section at the checkout. So many blends to choose from - what fun! These make great gifts too. Enjoy!

This year, I am living an ‘intentional’ summer!
Living in Maine, we have a small window of summer – July and August. Yes, that is it. So many years I get to September and say, “What happened to the summer?” as I am packing up my bathing suit.
Not this year! I want to hit September saying, “I can’t eat another lobster!” and “I relaxed so much, I feel so rejuvenated!” and “I have never rode my bike and swam so much!” And “I have enjoyed every farmers market all around me!” and “I have found all local ingredients for our teas!” And “I am so rested!” And “I am filled to the brim with the richness of summer.”
So how do I get there from here? How do I slow down like a cup of lavender tea….every minute of this summer? How do you enjoy your summer?
A few weeks back, I was dropping something off at my mothers and she had picked up a new bench at a lawn sale. It was outside on her front lawn, the same lawn that I grew up and played on. It was a beautiful old wooden bench. As we sat on the bench, on this beautiful morning, we talked about the gardens, our grandchildren and our upcoming week.
That is when I realized what summer was all about for me. It was about slowing down. Slowing down enough to really talk to people – not the fluffy stuff – but what is really going on, riding my bike on scenic routes – not just a chore to lose weight. It is about drinking tea on the porch as the rest of the house sleeps. It is about eating the bounty of the summer gardens and Maine ocean. It is about going to bed later and sleeping in longer.
What if I could spend this summer being a child again? What if I could spend a lazy, relaxed, enjoy each moment kind of summer?
Summer has already started with a day on the lake with my work friends riding a platoon boat and a few days on a remote island (Criehaven) with my long time precious girlfriends and a trip to Mount Apatite Farm (Farm to Table catering and flowers – Cooking Carol) in Auburn to cut the most precious lavender with my granddaughter Sara and my sister Becca’s daughter Ashly.
Carol met us in the driveway, on her 24 acre farm, on a beautiful sunny afternoon. We toured through her old farm house catering kitchen (love!) and then out to the gardens. We were met by a snake! I wanted to scream and run to the car and tell her to pick the lavender and bring to the car….but with two 12 year old girls beside me….I bravely said, “Oh a little garden snake.” Both girls watched the snake and slowly moved on. Carol shared her gardens with us all – with no shoes on!! At one point,

I looked over at the girls and they were swinging and laughing.
The lavender patch was beautiful. This lavender will make the most relaxing Cuppa Lavender Tea (Tempest in a Teapot). All chemical and pesticide free blue lavender. I can hardly wait to get back to the blending house to

dry it! I felt like I just met an old friend in Carol. When the girls heard she bakes and cooks and had a full freezer they jumped up to see the goodies. Many $$$ later – we left with tons of lavender for tea, chickpea shepherd’s pie, a chocolate mousse cake, a strawberry rhubarb pie, and turmeric veggie pockets!
Summer of 2016 – I am intentionally going to enjoy you!
Written by Tammy Smith (Wife, mother, grandmother, Blogger, Tea Lady)